Here are some other people in Adelaide doing cool work!
The CRAM Collective are some cool dudes and dudettes, CRAMming good theatre and other mediums down our eager and ready throats!
Rotpunkt! Don't let the name fool you, these cool punks do anything but Rot!
Deus Ex Femina. No, this isn't some gender-swapped remake of the hit PC immersive sim that came out in the year 2000, Deus Ex. Instead it's a theatre company making great work!
There's a fire at the old Mill! This is a venue where there's art and stuff, and a theatre.
The Curious Roach Collective are the hottest new young theatre group on the block, sure to take the world by storm!
Arts SA! Apparently you can get money from them, we haven't worked out how yet but we're right on it.